When Group Attendance Is Spotty: How to make the most of low attendance and draw people back to your group
September 22, 2016 | Keith Crain
By Sam O’Neal Fresh out of college, my wife and I accepted a part-time position at our local church to launch and organize a new ministry for young adults. It was a fun ride, but my wife and I quickly learned one important fact about the...
How to Write Great Discussion Questions
September 3, 2016 | Keith Crain
Expert tips for leading your group members to spiritual growth Knowing how to ask good questions is one of the key elements of a successful small group. Questions are what transform a small-group lesson from a lecture into an interactive...
9 Tips for a Successful First Meeting
March 28, 2016 | Keith Crain
It can be incredibly nerve-racking to start a new small group. And yet, every group begins with a first meeting. Bill Search offers easy tips to kick off your small group and ensure you have a great first meeting. Pray – ask for...
Mistakes that Ruin Small Groups
March 16, 2016 | Keith Crain
Written by Carter Moss When I finished leading the third week of my new small group, it hit me—I really enjoy leading small groups. It’s such a privilege. We get such a unique front-row seat to watch new friendships forming, people...
5 Great Things Leaders Do (That Most People Don't)
March 12, 2016 | Keith Crain
This article was originally posted on aarongloy.com There’s a reason why great leaders are where they are. As the pastor of a young church, I get to interact with a lot of young people, many of whom dream of doing something...