He Whispers To Us

August 23, 2022 | Mitchell Mace

What do I say when in the midst of medical turmoil within my own family? All I can do to answer that is to turn to the Living Word of our Lord God. Therein lies all of the answers we ever may need, or will ever seek. He knew all our questions...

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August 16, 2022 | Russ Moe

Injustice is unbearable. We were not designed to handle it and we prove it every time it happens to us. It’s the reason why metal detectors are placed at the entrance of every courthouse. It's why children instinctively cry...

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Drawing Near

August 9, 2022 | Jaci Miller

After an afternoon of swimming, my six-year-old niece came to visit. She spotted a new book on the table and promptly asked to read. Sitting on my lap, she and I read about butterflies. As I held her close, dampness from her wet hair seeped into...

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Chicago Dream Center Mission Trip 2022 | Update #3

July 30, 2022 | Kathy Smarrella

Our last full day with the Chicago Dream Center (CDC) was today. It began very early. . . Breakfast and worship at 6 am (a great start to the day, despite it being the crack of dawn)!   We headed out early to the New Life Covenant Church...

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Chicago Dream Center Mission Trip 2022 | Update #2

July 29, 2022

By Vicki Topolski Our second day serving in Humboldt Park was jammed packed! After breakfast and morning worship, we split up into three groups to do ministry. One group went to the community garden to harvest potatoes, tend to the garden and...

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