VSOM Chicago Dream Center Mission Trip | Update #3

April 16, 2021

Seth Jordan & Pastor Steve Huffman Today we woke up, each a little more tired, and drove to breakfast at the church to get our plans for the day.  We didn’t know what the day had in store as the outreach schedule was...

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VSOM Chicago Dream Center Mission Trip | Update #2

April 15, 2021

By Patrick Holdeman and Laura Sachs     Wow, what an amazing, full day of God’s activity! This morning, we left for New Life Church at 7:30 am where we had breakfast and devotions with the staff, led by Patrick, our fearless...

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VSOM Chicago Dream Center Mission Trip | Update #1

April 14, 2021 | Pastor Steve Huffman

It’s day one of the first mission trip in over a year!  The Vineyard School of Ministry students left in the early afternoon Wednesday to head to Chicago and partner with the Dream Center for several VERY busy days.  It’s...

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What Is God Teaching Me in This Slow Season?

March 30, 2021 | Mary Mark

Things have changed so much in the last year. Our jobs, kids’ schooling options, trips to the stores, and just life in general. I’ve been in a season where I feel like things are just slower for me. In my home life, things are slower...

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Restoring Hope

March 23, 2021 | Carol Senour

The world is full of Debbie Downers who interject negativity and exaggerate the truth. Filling our ears with this information can cause us to lose our hope. Jeremiah 29:11 shares God’s plan for hope in our lives. “For I know the plans...

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