Kentucky Missions Trip | Day 3
November 16, 2024
By Rickie Hi, I am Rickie, adopted cat at First Christian Church. The team was tuckered out tonight so I volunteered to write the update. After all, I sit by the door all-day and night and see and hear everything. I’ve...
Kentucky Mission Trip | Day 2
November 15, 2024 | Phil Mark
Today we started our work as the hands and feet of Jesus in Kentucky. We were broken up into 2 groups, one went to a close by area where there was a lot of brush that needed clearing and other odds and ends such as painting and other things...
Kentucky Missions Trip | Day 1
November 14, 2024 | Todd Zeiger
Perfectly timed, as is typically the case with Jesus, the daily devotional in my inbox Wednesday started with “Jesus rebuked the wind” Matthew 4-35-41. How fitting as this group of 19 takes five days out of their regular...
When the Mountains Don't Move
November 12, 2024 | Jenn Adams
Faith moves mountains. This essentially means to believe and behave as if whatever you asked of God will happen — no matter how grand. Expect God to answer, and He will. This adage is reflected through many examples in the Bible where a...
Error By Emphasis
November 5, 2024 | Russ Moe
“If you keep riding that hobby horse, you’re going to get splinters.”“When you see it everywhere, beware.”“Never play a banjo with only one string.”“Don’t let what you see blind...