July 2, 2024
Women, you are not alone!
May 8, 2018 | Nancy Fish
It’s that time of year again when we honor our mothers and grandmothers with a beloved holiday known as Mother’s Day. Some of us still have the pleasure to do so with our mothers, and for others, this can be a bittersweet holiday. Some of us have been blessed with being a mother and others long to be a mother. You are not alone!
This is an exciting time of year because we have the opportunity to thank these women, our mothers, our grandmothers, and the women who have loved and cared for use in our growing years. The same women who spent countless, exhausting hours feeding us, changing us and rocking us as babies, dealing with the Terrible Two temper tantrums, and those exhausting times when we were teenagers. Moms waiting up until their kids arrived home with only moments to spare as curfew approached--not to mention the endless hours of driving that was thrown into that mix. Now, as a mother myself, I get it - the sacrifice, the hours, the frustration, but also the joy and the growth of raising children. Not only do I get it, but I know that I am not alone and you are not alone!
Our mothers have endured a lot to get us to adulthood. And even now as they continue to pray and care for their families. And luckily, some these mothers are able to enjoy the rewards of being parents of adult children and grandmothers to their grandchildren. There is a joy that comes with every new baby in the family—you are not alone!
To those that have lost their mothers, this can be a daily struggle. They honor the memories of their mothers on this holiday and still frequently long for her presence. Oh to get one more hug or one more phone call to reassure you that you are doing the right thing. Or those three little words, “I love you.” You are not alone!
As women, whether we are mothers or not, we tend to take on so much responsibility for those around us. In all of this, we should strive to be a Godly influence on those around us.
In Hebrews 13:5, the Lord says, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”
Isaiah 49: 15-16 also encourages us: “Never can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne? But even if that were possible, I would not forget you! See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands...”
Even if this holiday is weighing heavy on you, remember you are not alone! Jesus will always be with you and never leave you. He will carry your heartaches and burdens. Sisters, you are not alone as a believer in Christ