Kentucky Missions Trip | Day 5

November 18, 2024 | Todd Zeiger

Just as everyone has different reasons and expectations for going on a mission trip, so too are their takeaways. We asked everyone to take a minute and write down a couple of personal reflections from their experience.

We circled up for prayer after loading  up and meeting a few of the congregation arriving to get ready for their service. We blessed the church with some funds along with CrossRoads Missions. Heading north and (after a few potty stops) happily reconnected with family waiting at Vineyard upon our arrival. We all said our goodbyes, hugs abounding. We pray the words of staying in touch with these new friends and wanting to do more service for Jesus are sticky.

We noted in earlier posts the first-time status of almost all of these team members. Thank you, Vineyard, for the support to allow that to happen. In closing here are excerpts from each team member’s notes. Ask when you see them around church. I am sure you’ll be amazed by the God stories and how this trip furthered their walk with Jesus.

Brenda shared her wide range of emotions, growing in belonging to Vineyard and helping those in the community who had to endure more than they should.

Beth has only attended Vineyard for a short time and now considers the church home – making friends while serving alongside. She stretched – doing things she thought she couldn’t.

Phil too was stretched, praying for strangers at the Walmart and grew as a team figuring out the challenges of the handrail installation.

Ralph noted how the group worked one, learning to listen for God’s prompting and bonding in the service to Christ.

Jerry felt the “Divine Appointment” made him and others stretch – recalling the names of those he prayed for at the Dollar General.

Renee’ values the new friendships that have developed while serving.

Gabe loved being a part of something bigger than himself and knows this will not be his last trip to serve others, noting the life changing experience.

Fran finally took the step to do something she always wanted but had not – she finally opened the door when Jesus knocked.

Ryan went to give his skills but came back on the receiving end from the kindness’ and personal stories shared with strangers and selflessness of others.

Dan valued the opportunity to serve alongside his daughter Abi and “do more than say”.

Abi took a big step coming along as the only teenager, overcame her concerns about connecting with the adults including leaning into the prayer and blessing in the community.

David stretched to use his skills and blessings to others beyond his comfort zone.

Jason stretched to lead worship for the team and was encouraged as team members looked past differences to find the commonality amongst themselves and those served.

Yolanda had her hunger to serve others renewed and getting to know others at Vineyard better.

Ken stepped up to serve those who were put in his path and demonstrating listening for God’s prompting for service.

Cal valued the interruption of his usual and busy schedule to refocus while serving with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.



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