India Mission Trip 2025 Update 3
March 10, 2025 | Paula Butterfield
Monday in Tadepallegudem, India.
Another beautiful day 1500 miles south of New Delhi. We start with a table full of warm and spicy foods. They are so lavish with their hospitality and homemade Indian delicacies. There is an excitement today as we travel to a third school and join not only 150 students but also 50 pastors for a most inspiring day. The children’s greetings and assembly are such an encouragement for anyone with any ounce of weariness. They are dressed in unison and recite with joy praises and scripture about the one true God. The students did a welcome ceremony which can only be experienced, the feeling inside you is pure love. We joined them on their very bare playground and found ourselves falling in love with those big brown eyes. Jay took so many pictures and his new friends were learning how to photograph.
This school is the thing I find so fascinating. Hindu parents sought out a better education through Pastor Abraham in donating the land for a Christian school. The very thing the Hindus resist, which is the love of Jesus, plows through the children’s hearts and minds all day long, day in and day out. The children shout God’s praises and speak His holy word. Memorizing, singing, dancing and praying each and every day.
We toured the school, the classrooms, the orphanage and the Bible college. They are hoping to reopen the orphanage with 10 children and the Bible college with 15 students by July. The school has a second floor that lays unfinished. They are in need of administrative space, bathrooms for students, an updated playground and busses. In reopening since Covid there is a need to update those facilities that have deteriorated.
Watching the Sr Pastors gather to hear from Pastor Abraham was a tender experience. The message was when God stirs the hearts, whether it be of Kings, of leaders, or of God’s people, things happen. If the Spirit leads, we won’t want to stay behind, we’ll want to build a place of worship, we’ll want to bring our gifts and we will want for God to stir us because a pot not stirred will burn and stink. I don’t want to stink!
Tonight, a local church prepared a revival night for us to join in. We arrive after they have been singing for some time, totally in love with Jesus. Carpets are rolled out and flower petals thrown. As we each enter, they wrap us in beautiful cloths and flower leis. The quick tempo of the worship was lead by such a talented keyboard player and accompanied by a venu Indian bamboo flute. This flutist was born blind and uses his God given talent in an extraordinary way. Pastor Abraham shared how the woman with the issue of blood from Mark 5 led a lonely secluded life because of the sickness. Even if she wanted to meet with Jesus while she sought him out, he was surrounded and quite busy. Just a touch brought Him to her, he sought her out wanting to know who it was that touched him. We serve the same Jesus and He was there.
The day was so profound, in each and every face I saw. Gods love, His purpose, his plan is for each of us and we just need to reach out and touch and be stirred and do what He has is to do. Share the good news!