India Mission Trip 2025 Update 2
March 9, 2025 | Darren Stout
Dear Vineyard friends!
I’m happy to report we are having a successful God filled mission trip this far!
On Saturday morning, our team gathered for breakfast, our “Happies and Crappies” debrief from yesterday a devotional and sharing Jesus time. Today (Saturday) is Taj Mahal day! We are all pretty excited to see the site- but not sure about the 3 1/2 hour one way trip to Agra, where the Taj is located!
We made it to the Taj with little issue - that is a magnificent building! Definitely a bucket list. Especially for Jay- he had researched beforehand and was really excited to walk thru and around the grounds. He even took some great photos! We were treated afterwards to a true Indian lunch by Pastor Abraham. We tried some different dishes and “eating techniques!”
The ride back to Delhi was a bit quieter as we were all pretty tired- we did play a few lively rounds of Bible Trivia!
We ended the evening with some ice cream before retiring to our comfy hotel rooms for a good nights rest.
Good Sunday morning from busy New Delhi!
This morning our team gathered for a wonderful breakfast and devotional time. A few of us didn’t sleep great- and have a long, busy day ahead. Pastor Abraham picked us up at 9 am for short trip thru the Delhi traffic to a makeshift church service that had to be moved to a park due to a large Hindu festival blocking access to their church building.
The service was well attended and uplifting. The church has to be careful about worshipping Jesus out in the open, as Christianity isn’t well received in the north. But worship happened anyway, Abraham preached a short message, and several people testified. One of Pastor A’s long time remote pastors gave God praise for healing a cancer in is head! After service, everyone found shade and relaxed with conversation as the kids had fun playing and, thanks to Jay, some of them learned to throw a spiral with a football!
Soon our team was shuttled off for a late lunch with Pastor Abraham, his wife Ms Joyce, Pastor Ranjit, his wife, brother in law and kids. We had a lively conversation getting to know one another and even played a round of Bible Trivia.
Before long- we were off to the airport to catch our flight south to the state of Andra Pradesh - Paula, Jay and I took the opportunity to catch a nap- I for one was conked out!
Pastor Abraham and his son accompanied us on the 2 1/2 hr flight down here to Vijayawada- say that fast!! They want to show us the ministry outside Delhi - this is truly a national organization! (Note from Kathy: in the car on the way to the airport, Pastor Abraham and Joyce shared with Bay and I about how they began ministry in Andra Pradesh, a state where Abraham doesn’t even speak the language! Like Paul, Abraham felt called to reach his whole country of India, not just his area. So, he made “missionary journeys” as he met people who wanted to know Jesus. He’d come, find some people who needed the Lord, and start churches. . . There’s more to that story that I hope we hear tomorrow!)
As is customary, we were picked up from the airport and went to a restaurant for dinner— more food! We are not starving over here! We are making our way to the town of Tadepalleguden. It’s been a long day filled with praise and worship- I’m looking forward to a soft pillow!
Good night and God Bless!