India Mission Trip 2025 Update 1
March 7, 2025 | Kathy Smarrella
Dear praying friends,
Good evening from New Delhi, India! Our team—Jay and Paula Butterfield, Darren Stout, Bay Steffen and me—got here late last night after what seemed like two solid days of flying (really it was about 24 hours, give or take :)). The time change thing (10 1/2 hours difference) is no joke, LOL. But the team were troopers and the flights really went all according to plan, thanks be to God!
Our friends Pastor Abraham and Ranjit met us at the airport and brought us to our very nice hotel in New Delhi. It is always such a joy to see their smiling faces and introduce them to more Vineyard friends.
This morning we got up after not a whole lot of sleep, met early as a team and shared breakfast and some Jesus-time together. Today, I felt like God was telling us to focus on the word “encouragement.” Like… 1 Thessalonians 5:11, “Encourage one another and build each other up…” We, as the Church, whether we live in Mishawaka, IN, or New Delhi, India, are to encourage one another. And, it feels like that is one of the things we get the privilege of doing here with our Indian brothers & sisters.
We headed out with Abraham and Ranjit to the town of Hapur, about 90 minutes away. It was fun to hear and see the reactions of my car mates as they saw the Indian traffic sites and sounds. Cars, trucks, rickshaws, cows, peddlers of stuff… all the things. It’s really like nothing else.
We went to two schools today. The first was a school of about 500 or so—it was the first school I visited when I first came 6 years ago. That was fun to see. We are treated like kings and queens here—they never stop feeding us, LOL, and they bring us flowers and gifts. Darren said, “it’s a little overwhelming” at this first stop—and it is. But they really know how to honor people. The cards from the kids and teachers are my favorite parts. This school is going well and considering an expansion to make room for more.
Then we went down the road to the larger Hapur School. This school has about 1,500 students (2/3 were on a study break today for tests coming up). This is the school that our Vineyard invested in last year, building “The Vineyard Block” for grades 5-7. I can’t tell you how cool it was to see this building—after the assembly, we walked down the sidewalk up to the building we helped to build and then I was a little overwhelmed! It’s quite something to know that we were able, through God’s grace and kindness, to partner together to make room for 160+ more kids and the 15 teachers who are employed here. God is using Christ for India in amazing ways and I’m so glad we get to be a part of it. Thank you church, for making it happen.
We headed back this afternoon to New Delhi, had the chance to rest a bit, and then had a lovely dinner with Pastor Abraham and his wife Joyce. They are delightful and I love seeing our team as they listen to Abraham and Joyce share their stories. Personally, I love seeing Joyce again; she shared that she prays for me every week—and I believe her. :) Her prayers are the prayers of a righteous woman and I’m honored and humbled. And I know she prays for our church family as much as she prays for me.
We are the Church. I think of Pastor Mark’s message a couple weeks ago about the church as a family and I know that we have extended family here in India because of Jesus. It’s a beautiful thing.
Tomorrow, we are headed for the Taj Mahal. Please pray for traveling mercies for us all. Likely we won’t write an update tomorrow, but you’ll hear from us again on Sunday!
With love,