Honduras Mission Trip 2024 | Day 6

July 23, 2024 | Abi Hooton

By Abi Hooton 

Hola Todos (hello everyone), today was the last day of our trip, and man was it jam-packed. We started off the day with getting our morning coffee (which has become a routine for many), and then headed up where we had a light breakfast.  

I was able to share a devotional this morning talking about how the Lord sees us. I’ve had the privilege this week of leading this team, and have got to watch first hand the way the Lord has brought us all together. He has used all us individually to bring love and joy into the hearts of the Hondurans. It has been a huge blessing to be able to be apart of that, and I’m so grateful to the Lord for allowing me to lead.  

Today was “relaxing” to say the least. Our team, Pastor Arqui and his family, Pastor Nelson and his family, and our translators (Juan, Jimena, & Ivys) went to a place called Phulapanzak. We had a fantastic time, between zip lining, enduring a crazy adventure under a waterfall, some of us cliff jumped, and we had some fantastic chicken tenders & banana soda.  

Two of our team members made the decision to get baptized (and I was one of them). A couple months ago the Lord had put on my heart the idea of baptism. I had a lot of long conversations with the Lord about when I should do it. I felt the Lord clearly tell me, Honduras. So as this week approached, and as it went on. I felt more and more confirmation from the Lord that this was the right timing. So praise the Lord for all He’s done.  

We then took the scenic route home, meaning the roads were bad so we took a 40-minute detour. Which yes was long, but the view made up for it. We celebrated with our family with some good ol’ Power Chicken (come to Honduras and try it, it’s worth it). We ended our day by being able to present Pastor Arqui and his wife Minda with enough money to finish the kitchen at their church. 

Their dream is to be able to open up a tortilla shop (just like the one we worked on this week). That would have an apartment above it, that the people who help run the restaurant would have a place to live. Arqui & Minda’s bigger hope is for their church community’s would be for them to be self-sufficient and making money to help better everyone’s life who lives there.  

With all that said we are all packing right now so we can get up bright and early (3:30 am) for our flight home back to the States. This week has been incredible, the Lord has done amazing things in our hearts. PLEASE if you ever have the chance to go on a mission trip, do it. It’s worth it I promise, and if you want to hear more come find me or member from the team. We would love to share even a small glimpse into what the Lord has done this week.

Hasta luego (see you later) Honduras, until we meet again!  



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