Honduras Mission Trip 2022 | Update #3

April 5, 2022

By Vicki Topolski Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; Break forth and sing for joy and sing praises. Psalm 98:4 God blessed us with many opportunities to worship and serve him in Honduras today. When we arrived at the church, the people...

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Honduras Mission Trip 2022 | Update #2

April 4, 2022

By Addie Ott   How can you be expectant today for how God will move? Are you listening? Are your ears, eyes and heart open to what God wants to do for His kingdom?   Every day is a choice. Following Jesus begins with our first...

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Honduras Mission Trip 2022 | Update #1

April 3, 2022

By Dick Armington   Greetings from sunny, hot, and humid El Progreso, Honduras!  We can't give a day-one update without starting with our travel day.  What began as a successful departure from the church at 6:30AM on Saturday...

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VSOM Chicago Dream Center Mission Trip | Update #4

April 17, 2021

By Jeremy Johnston Gosh, what an amazing day. Our almighty God shows up every time. We started our day out at 7:30 am, eating breakfast at the New Life Covenant Community Center. After breakfast, we had great fellowship and devotional time...

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VSOM Chicago Dream Center Mission Trip | Update #3

April 16, 2021

Seth Jordan & Pastor Steve Huffman Today we woke up, each a little more tired, and drove to breakfast at the church to get our plans for the day.  We didn’t know what the day had in store as the outreach schedule was...

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