April 23, 2024
As Iron Sharpens Iron
March 11, 2025 | Nichole Kirkpatrick
The morning started off like any other Friday morning. I clocked in, started working, and then made my way upstairs at 8 o'clock for the group meeting. The meeting went well, and most people returned to work except for the six of us that are in my department. We had our own team meeting after the group meeting, so we all stayed in the conference room while everyone else left.
The conversation started off with our team leader saying everything was going good and how we were finally able to pay a customer that had been on our report for months now so that was good news. As she was explaining this, another colleague of mine shouted, “I don’t feel good, I think I am going to pass out” and she started crying. We all looked at her, stunned, as she sat there crying and shaking uncontrollably. Our team leader was closest to her at the time, so she grabbed her hand and started talking to her asking her what she was wrong and how was feeling. The rest of us moved closer to her to try and get a better understanding of what was going on. It seemed like she was having a panic attack of some sorts, so one person grabbed some water, and I ran downstairs to get some ice since she said she was feeling hot. I sprinted as fast as I could to get the ice, which caused concern from the others in my department who had returned to work, not knowing what was happening upstairs. When I returned with the ice, the girl was now laying on the floor, convulsing. She was having a seizure. Someone was on the phone with 911 while the rest of us all stood watching in disbelief.
After the girl stopped seizing, she passed out. We were finally told to clear the room, and the paramedics arrived and took her to the hospital. It was a very scary way to start the day, but the girl was fine, and her test results came back clean. However, further testing is needed to be done to figure out what caused the seizure. Anyway, I didn’t tell you this story just because, but when I was reflecting on the events of the day, I realized how well the people involved in the situation worked together to take care of the girl and get her the help she needed.
I am so grateful I work with people who are helpful and caring people who took the event seriously and acted quickly. It is so important to have people like that in our lives. It reminded me of the story of the paralyzed man on the mat. A crowd gathered around Jesus making it impossible for the paralyzed man to reach Him. So, the man's friends dug a hole in the roof above Jesus and lowered the man on his mat. Jesus saw the faith the man's friends had and healed the man (Mark 2:3-11)
What great friends that man had. Their friend had a life altering condition, and they knew Jesus could heal him if only they could get their friend to Him. Since the crowd was so large, they had to think fast on how to make that happen. Sure enough, they figured out a solution and in the end their friend was healed.
It makes me think about how many people in my life would do that for me if I was paralyzed? Or maybe even if I wasn’t but needed help in another area of my life. Would the people I surround myself with now help without any questions, or would they make up some excuse why they can't? I now know the people at work would, but what about the people outside of work? Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend". The people we spend the most time with make a big impact on our lives. They can make life hard, or they can make life beautiful.”