El Salvador Update #2
August 1, 2017 | Kristy Camacho
Hola from all the way down in El Salvador! This morning many of us felt much more rested than the previous morning. We are settling in very nicely and enjoying the breakfast buffet our hotel provides. Our first stop of the day was to the market...
El Salvador Update #1
July 31, 2017
It is my privilege to once again lead our Vineyard Missions team to Central America, and this year I’m super excited about partnering with the Vineyard Palmares (from Costa Rica) to do missions work with a small Vineyard church in El...
El Salvador
July 28, 2017
On July 30, 2017, we have a missions team leave for El Salvador for a week of missions work. Over the course of this week, team members will serve in various capacities that include partnering with a local Vineyard church, hosting a VBS, and...
Motivating Out of Vision
July 24, 2017 | Pastor Steve Huffman
When I think about some of the best leaders I’ve connected with over the years there is a common thread - they motivated out of vision. Instead of pointing at all of the things I did wrong they would point to my capabilities and...
10 Great Icebreaker Questions
July 20, 2017 | Keith Crain
When people come to your small group, their hearts and minds are all over the place. Maybe they are afraid of losing their job, maybe they just had an argument with their spouse, perhaps they are concerned about a wayward teenage child, or they...