Honduras Mission Trip 2024 | Day 4

July 21, 2024 | Jen Padgett

By Jen Padgett 

Day 4 in Honduras!

This morning we started with a devotional lead by Ana Dekker on Acts 2:1-12. Which encouraged us all that we all have hope in the Holy Spirit and we can communicate with the Godly people here (which coming into this trip was an initial fear of mine). Following the devotional, our leaders also prayed over all of us and encouraged us all to give our mental, physical, & spiritual hardships that we may be dealing with over to God. We followed that up with an amazing time of worship.

Today we were able to mix up more cement and helped lay the flooring in about 3 rooms in one of the houses. We also painted outside bricks of the restaurant parking and dispersed dirt/sand to level out the area for parking. Even though there was a lot of rain, and it felt like sometimes we were just sitting, during those moments we were able to talk with different team members and get to know their stories. We talked with the Hondurans and got to know them. Some of us even had the privilege of painting some of the girls nails!

At one point during the day when we were at the restaurant, we all worked together, us and the Hondurans, flattening the ground for parking for the restaurant which has a grand opening tomorrow. (Which we are all excited for!) I think the most memorable of today was praying for a Honduran woman who just had a miscarriage the day before. We were able to surround her with the laying of hands, prayer, & hugs. We just surrounded her with God’s love.

 1 Timothy 4:4-5

"For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer."

We are now in the home stretch of this trip and growing closer to each other and to God. I would highly recommend anyone who hasn’t ever gone on a missions trip to do so.



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