
Sierra Adams
Coordinator of Communications
As the Communications Coordinator, I help with managing the church website and Vineyard app. I also provide assistance in various other communications areas around the church.
At Vineyard
On staff
Following Jesus
Previous work: Admission Counselor at Bethel University
Favorite Scripture: 2 Corinthians 12:9
Favorite TV show: Criminal Minds
Favorite sport: Soccer

Kristy Burnett
Director of Children’s Ministry
As the Director of Children’s Ministry, my main role is to shepherd children into having an authentic relationship with Jesus. I get to do this by overseeing Vineyard Kids programming.
At Vineyard
On staff
Following Jesus
Previous work: Elementary Teacher
Married to: Josh Burnett
Favorite verse: Psalm 121
Favorite Food: Steak
Favorite Activity: Gardening

Davenna Clark
Coordinator of the Vineyard Community Center
I assist in extending the love of Jesus beyond the walls of the church, primarily to the kids and teens at the Vineyard Community Center.
At Vineyard
On staff
Following Jesus
Previous work: Mean Bean Bistro and Brew
Favorite Scripture: Romans 8:38-39
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite activity: Mulan (the 1998 version)

Nolan Cox
Director of Technical Arts and Production
I am the Director of Technical Arts and Production. I oversee the technical production side of worship and volunteer teams in the booth.
At Vineyard
On staff
Following Jesus
Previous work: Audio Engineer
Favorite Scripture: John 1:5
Married to: Charity Cox since 2021
Children: Nora Cox
Favorite Activity: Skiing/Snowboarding
Favorite Movie: Interstellar

Keith Crain
Pastor of Newcomers & New Believers
I am the Pastor of Newcomers & New Believers. My job is to make contact with individuals who are new to Vineyard and not only make them feel loved and welcomed, but to get them connected and ultimately help them grow closer to Jesus & people.
At Vineyard
On staff
Following Jesus
Previous work: Director of Information Technologies with the City of South Bend
Married to: Lori Crain since 1990
Favorite verses: James 2:14-17
Favorite Vacation Spot: Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Favorite Movie: The Shawshank Redemption

Nancy Fish
Office Manager
As the Office Manager (Director) as well as Administrative Assistant to Pastor Mark Pope & Pastor Steve Huffman, I do a lot of different tasks! You can find me organizing, answering questions, emailing, and much more.
At Vineyard
On staff
Following Jesus
Previous work: Bookkeeper for Fish Marketing, Inc.
Married to: Randy Fish since 1984
Children: Aaron and Alex
Favorite verses: Philippians 4:4-7
Favorite Vacation Spot: Pass-a-grille, Florida & Maui, Hawaii
Favorite Activity: Spending time with family or cooking

Melinda Good
Administrative Assistant
As an Administrative Assistant, I do a lot of different tasks behind the scenes. You can find me organizing, answering questions, emailing, and much more.
On staff
Following Jesus
Previous work: Warehouse Manager Assistant at Habitat for Humanity
Favorite Activity: Camping
Favorite Vacation Spot: The Beach

Zechariah Good
Director of Worship Operations
I am the Director of Worship Operations. I primarily serve with Leah Kurtz on the weekend worship team and lead The Wave Worship Team. I also meet with musicians to help them develop their musical giftings to the Lord.
At Vineyard
On staff
Following Jesus
Favorite Scripture: Ephesians 2
Previous work: I helped my dad run the family business as a Brick Mason for Pyramid Masonry.
Married to: Melinda Good since 2023
Favorite food: Smoked Salmon with Asparagus
Favorite book: Finding God’s Life for My Will by Mike Donehey

Abi Hooton
Assistant Director of Students & Newcomers
I oversee the Middle School Core Classes and help out on Wednesdays at Vineyard Student Night. On the weekends, you can find me in the Atrium, connecting with newcomers and welcoming them to the church.
At Vineyard
On staff
Following Jesus
Previous work: Unit Assistant in the Intensive Care Unit at Memorial Hospital
Favorite scripture: James 1:19-20
Favorite movie: I have a top ten list you should ask me about!
Favorite activity: I love to hammocking , trying new restaurants, Costco runs, Sonic drinks, going to the movies , shopping at Old Navy, walking around Target, sitting at Panera and reading a book.

Jaelie Howard
Newcomers and New Believers Intern
As the Newcomers and New Believers intern I will be helping Keith and Abi with NEXT, outreach to newcomers and baptism classes. I also get to work with young adults on Tuesdays nights.
At Vineyard since: 2023
On staff since: 2025
Following Jesus since: 2023
Previous work: A Rosie Place For Children, a specialty children’s hospital
Favorite Scripture: Isaiah 60:22
Favorite TV show: Gilmore Girls
Favorite spot: Banff, Canada

Steve Huffman
Executive Pastor
As the executive pastor I help lead the financial and human resources aspects of the church as well as help implement the vision for the church. I also oversee the school of ministry.
At Vineyard
On staff
Following Jesus
Previous work: Executive Leadership (interim President / Chief Information Officer) Memorial Hospital
Married to: Anne Huffman since 1997
Children: Ben, Jon, Jack
Favorite verses: Changes frequently
Favorite Vacation Spot: In the mountains in a cabin
Favorite Activity: Being a husband and dad

Sarah Kovach
Assistant Director of Spiritual Development
My role is to help you strengthen your walk with Jesus through spiritual growth opportunities and help you connect with faith building community. I do this by helping develop and lead Vineyard Groups, Classes, and Events.
At Vineyard since: 2014
On staff since: 2020
Following Jesus since: 2015
Previous Work: Mortgage Payoff Specialist for 1st Source Bank
Married to: Scott Kovach since 2004
Children: Noah Kovach
Favorite verse: Luke 18:27
Favorite Food: Mexican
Favorite Activity: Hiking and kayaking

CarolAnn Krempec
Assistant Director of Young Adults & Prayer
I assist in leading our Young Adult ministry on Tuesday nights, with the goal of empowering our generation to be risk-takers who passionately engage in something that matters. I also assist in Prayer ministries, helping create healthy environments for intercession to happen on the weekends and for people to find healing in Jesus through prayer.
At Vineyard
On staff
Following Jesus
Previous work: Phlebotomist at SBMF
Married to: Chris Krempec since 2024
Favorite verses: Psalm 116:7
Favorite food: Chinese food
Favorite TV show: The Office

Chris Krempec
Assistant Director of Technical Arts & Maintenance
I am the Assistant Director of Technical Arts and Maintenance. My primary goal is to help produce the best atmosphere for people to encounter Jesus through technical production, so our congregation can worship, praise, and listen to our message without distraction. As well as to help maintain a clean and welcoming environment.
At Vineyard
On staff
Following Jesus
Previous work: Truck Centers Inc
Married to: CarolAnn Krempec since 2024
Favorite Scripture: Psalm 23
Favorite TV show: Scrubs
Favorite sport: Baseball (Go Red Sox!)

Andrew Kurtz
Pastor of Young Adults & Children's Ministry
My role in leading Vineyard’s Young Adult community is to empower, equip, and send out disciple-makers who are passionately pursuing Jesus. Similarly, within children’s ministry, I oversee teams and environments that engage the hearts and minds of the children of The Vineyard and help them recognize their identity in Christ and realize their potential in the Kingdom.
On staff since: 2015
Following Jesus since: 2002
Married to: Leah Kurtz since 2018
Previous work: Skills Training Specialist at Oaklawn Psychiatric Center
Favorite verses: Hebrews 12:1-3
Favorite food: Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
Favorite sport: Ultimate Frisbee

Leah Kurtz
Director of Worship Arts & Prayer
As the Director of Worship Arts and Prayer I am responsible for the overall vision and culture of worship at The Vineyard. I aim to create a worship culture that facilitates environments for the church to love the Lord well and regularly encounter Him.
On staff
Following Jesus
Married to: Andrew Kurtz since 2018
Favorite verses: Psalms
Favorite TV Show: New Girl
Favorite activity: Anything in the water! Swimming, tubing, boating, snorkeling, you name it!

Brayden Mackey
Outreach Intern
I help assist at the Community Center; you can find me at the 702 house every Thursday. My main goal is to lead Teen Connect and connect with teens in the Barbee Creek Community.
At Vineyard
On staff
Following Jesus
Previous work: Michael Angelo's Events
Favorite Scripture: 1 Peter 5:6-7
Favorite Food: Chicken tacos
Favorite sport: Football

Phil Mark
Director of Maintenance
I maintain and oversee the general maintenance of the facilities and grounds at The Vineyard Church. My hope is to steward a welcoming and distraction-free environment for every individual to connect with God even before they enter the building. I also oversee the Cleaning, Facility Maintenance, Outdoor Maintenance, Mowing, and Auto Repair Teams.
At Vineyard since: 2015
On staff since: 2025
Following Jesus since: 1996
Previous work: Maintenance Manager
Married to: Mary Mark since 2008
Children: Kristopher (Kris) & Kourtney
Favorite verses: Philippians 4:6
Favorite Movie: National Treasure
Favorite Sport: Bowling

Sam Murray
Pastor of Student Ministries & Spiritual Development
I oversee spiritual development, which includes all our classes, groups, and events with the ultimate goal of creating spiritually healthy followers of Jesus here at The Vineyard Church.
On staff
Following Jesus
Previous work: Profit Center Manager - All Phase Electric Supply

Joel Patterson
Director of Communications
I work with each ministry of our church to plan and implement effective communications through our website, social media, print, and word of mouth. My goal is that each person will hear exactly what they need to hear.
At Vineyard since: 2004
On staff since: 2010
Following Jesus since: Age 5
Previous work: Adjunct Math Teacher
Married to: Sara Patterson since 2010
Children: Harper, Eleanor, and Davis
Favorite verses: Luke 18:13-14
Favorite Food: Candy
Favorite Movie: The Princess Bride

Hannah Phillips
Assistant Director of Children's Ministry
As the assistant director of children’s ministry I help run programming within Vineyard Kids and assist in shepherding kids into a relationship with Jesus.
At Vineyard
On staff
Following Jesus
Favorite verse: Proverbs 19:21
Previous work: Physical Therapy Technician
Married to: Michael Phillips since 2022
Favorite vacation spot: Florida
Favorite activity: Hiking with my dog and husband

Mark Pope
Lead Pastor
I’m the founding and Lead Pastor at the church. I often speak on weekends and help develop the overall direction of the church.
On staff
Following Jesus
Previous work: Pastor
Married to: Denise Pope since 1990
Children: Leah (with husband Andrew and grandson Judah), Isaac (with wife Sofie), and Anna (with husband Keenan)

Diane Shoemaker
I am the Accountant for The Vineyard Church. My overall responsibilities include the accounting, recordkeeping and financial reporting for the church.
At Vineyard
On staff
Following Jesus
Previous work: CPA
Married to: Larry since 1985
Children: Kaitlyn and Ben
Favorite verses: Proverbs 3:5-6
Favorite Vacation Spot: Anywhere we can go as a family
Favorite Book: The Circlemaker by Mark Batterson

Kathy Smarrella
Pastor of Missions & Outreach
I serve as the Pastor of Outreach & Missions, overseeing much of what we as a church do outside the walls of the church building. This include missions trips across the world, as well as our local Vineyard Community Center.
On staff
Following Jesus
Previous work: Events and program manager for the Institute for Peace Studies at Notre Dame
Favorite verses: Hebrews 12:1–2
Favorite vacation spot: Northern Ireland

Ally Steensma
Coordinator of Children’s Ministry

Justin Stevenson
Assistant Director of Communications
As the Assistant Director of Communications, my job is to help create appealing graphics and printed material with the Creative Design and Publication teams.
At Vineyard
On staff
Following Jesus
Previous work: PNC Bank
Married to: Lindsey Stevenson since 2014
Children: Everly
Favorite verses: Isaiah 61:1-4
Favorite TV Show: Parks and Recreation
Favorite Activity: Playing board games with my wife, daughter, and two cats, Taylor Swift and Samson

Landon Story
Coordinator of Student Worship and Leadership Development
As the Coordinator of Student Worship and Leadership Development I plan worship sets, lead team, and lead the students in worship each week. I also help to develop and support upcoming and current leaders , as well as helping with our Vineyard School of Ministry program.
At Vineyard
On staff
Following Jesus
Favorite Scripture: Romans 12:1–3
Favorite activity: Quality time with friends
Favorite sport: Football

Elyse Stutzman
Coordinator of the Vineyard Community Center
As the Coordinator of the Vineyard Community Center, I get to share the love of Jesus with children and families in our community through the planning and execution of activities and events at our community center.

Nyssa Sutherlin
Coordinator of Technical Arts
As the Coordinator of Technical Arts, I help create a warm, welcoming environment and space for people to come to worship God.

Karly Unruh
Administrative Assistant
As the Administrative Assistant, I do many different tasks for Spiritual Development and Missions & Outreach.
At Vineyard
On staff
Following Jesus
Previous work: Student worker at IUSB
Favorite Scripture: Proverbs 3:5
Favorite TV show: One Tree Hill
Favorite sport: Volleyball and Softball

Amanda Winkleblack
Coordinator of Outreach & Missions
I assist with planning and executing outreach initiatives such as the Community Center, mission trips, and other special events in hopes to help people grow closer to Jesus.
At Vineyard
On staff
Following Jesus
Previous work: Environmental Safety & Health
Children: Blake, Aiden, and Callie
Favorite Scripture: Matthew 10:7–8
Favorite Food: My grandmother's cinnamon rolls
Favorite Activity: Visiting small towns, beach towns, enjoying local sites, eateries & shops.

Dan Yoder
Assistant Director of Digital Media
I am responsible for photography and social media at The Vineyard Church. This is done through gathering content for our social platforms and leading our volunteer Social Media & Photography Team.
At Vineyard
On staff
Following Jesus
Previous work: Aldi
Favorite scripture: Galatians 2:20
Favorite TV show: Survivor
Favorite activity: Traveling and going to coffee shops