Honduras Mission Trip 2024 | Day 3

July 20, 2024 | Gabe Campoli

By Gabe Campoli 

Day 3 in Honduras 

After a late night hanging out with some of the guys and meeting the security guard, I woke up with high hopes for the day ahead of me and my amazing team!

We started off at 7:00 am with an amazing breakfast. Followed by a great devotional from Bay about having a purpose from Romans 8:28. This scripture says "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." This just showed us that no matter where we come from, we all have a calling from God. After this amazing God time we went to the village where we have been working for the past couple days.

We started the day off with sad news (one of the moms in the village had a miscarriage the day before), but prayer helped turn our perspective around. Then after saying hi to the puppies we got to work. We had a long day ahead of us and some groups continued painting at the new restaurant that is opening this Sunday. Others continued on the foundation and pouring concrete for a new house. 

After working in the hot heat we were able to just sit down and enjoy some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and have fellowship. Taking a break from the hot sun and being able to talk with people from the village was a blessing. Seeing the kids in such high spirits definitely brought my spirits up. After eating we were able to do a house tour. After stepping in the house everyone's perspective, including myself, was one of gratefulness and humbleness. The mother of the house was so inviting and opened her home to us. This made me realize that this village was running off something I myself need to run off of which is solely Faith. Even though she didn't have everything we have in our homes, she was still excited and happy for what she has.

After being moved by that eye opening experience and a beautiful prayer from our leader Abi we got back to work. Some had fellowship and played with the kids as well. The beautiful thing about this mission trip is you don't have to do the typical American work to feel the mission that we are on. Getting most of the foundation dug and the new restaurant all painted we got a great surprise—it started pouring which felt so good to me and my fellow brother and sister in Christ. After getting everything cleaned up we were able to head back to the hotel.

After being able to go to the supermarket and swim, I enjoyed some food with my team members which was amazing. We got ready for dinner at 7pm. After we enjoyed our meal (which was hamburgers and fries) then we were able to talk about our happies and crappies which is about what we enjoyed most about the day and somethings that were challenging. After being able to decompress, we all met for a fun game night. Then all headed to bed excited and eager with how to Lord was going to move for the next day.



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