Uganda Mission Trip 2024 | Day 3

September 25, 2024 | Dan Yoder

Today our team started out with breakfast and after Abbie Suiter gave a morning devotional. She led us into the day with reminding us of God’s everlasting love. How He sees others, and how we can share that same love. Right at breakfast, Pastor John usually shows up to get ready to take us all to the church. However, this morning we asked if he could share his testimony. We all gathered in living crowded around him as he shared. His story had a theme of this verse, “But many who are first will be last, and the last first” Matthew 19:30. He had a very humble beginning and I was encouraged to continue to work hard for the Lord’s kingdom. 


After, we packed up the vehicles again to go and visit the homes of some of the children who are being supported in schools fees through Hope for Joy Foundation. Again, I found that my mind cannot comprehend the situations that people are living in. It is such a surreal experience that I myself cannot fathom because it is so far removed from what we in America grow up with. Every time we visited a home, I felt so humbled because there is nothing in the moment I could give them to change their lives. It leaves you to heavily rely on the provision, strength, and power of God to do something. I have never had to put so much faith behind my prayers because I truly can’t do anything. It is only by God’s power can ask for Him to move. Their joy in inviting us into their home, providing gifts, and them wanting God to bless us, all challenges me to look at how welcoming I am. It challenges me to think about how well I love others like Jesus loves others. 


We then headed back to Jumba’s (our host) house to eat lunch with Esther (Pastor John’s Wife). Soon after, we headed back to the Primary School because they had another dance for us. Esther told us they wanted to leave this with us in the case we might not get to see them before we leave. It was so joyful and fun to see their dance as we, and the rest of the students watched. 


We ended our day by going to the church where we were met with the kids from Hope for Joy. They also had some presentations for us and welcomed us. One of the students, Ronnie, gave a great message on the importance of being guided by the Holy Spirit. Then, we got to interact with the kids and they asked us questions, such a precious time. 


Now it was activity time. We laid out different activities for different groups. Some were making bracelets, building mini houses, drawing, and coloring (one of the guys, Reagan, offered to sketch me and he’s so gifted). This was such a special time of getting to actually spend time getting to know the kids. I was so blessed to talk with Ronnie who gave the message and all of the other guys who are in the secondary school around my age. We just spent time talking about God and then took turns asking each other cultural questions. 


All throughout the day with each interaction I had, I kept seeing the image of God pouring their cup, not just full but overflowing. I had many interactions where the children and families have next to nothing, but part of their prayers were to have enough to also bless others. The faith that everyone here has challenged me deeply. I am overwhelmed by seeing the living situations, but I am also overwhelmed with the amount of love they have for God and for us.





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