Uganda Mission Trip 2024 | Day 2

September 24, 2024 | Elyse Boggs

We had a full and warm day today so buckle up and hold on! :)


The first half of our day we drove around the local area to visit the homes and families of the Hope for Joy Foundation children. The roads are dusty and very bumpy here with dirt “speed bumps” all along our routes. We visited several homes and met many of the children’s siblings and Mother’s.  Each family showed great appreciation for the support their child receives through the Hope for Joy Foundation. Many of the families welcomed our team, as total strangers, into their homes. What you might not know is that most of their homes are more like the size of a single room in a typical US house, if even that big. There may be a bed or two and maybe a couple pieces of furniture. Most families had at least a couple other children also living in the home. There is not much at all in their homes. But they are very proud of what little they do have. One home was the size of a small shed back home with a tarp on the floor in which they asked us to take off our shoes to enter. It was so humbling to see the respect and great care they took of what very little they have. 


During our home visits, we prayed with every family. One common thing they ask prayer for is life, wisdom, and continued fees for their child to attend school. We also handed out many bracelets and candy. No child turns down candy, even from a “Mzungu” (white person)! The people we met were so grateful. It’s hard to put into words what we see and feel here. But I can definitely say the Holy Spirit was active today!


After lunch, we headed to the Nkumba Primary School to participate in their chapel and do an activity with them. There were around 250 children attending chapel. They sang many songs, most of which we were able to sing along with. At times, I just looked around with pure joy at the site of the children singing/dancing in worship to our God. The energy in these children is so contagious! Their smiles are priceless. To look in their eyes seems to tell their story of hardship yet at the same time brings so much happiness to my heart that often I find myself tearing up. 


Several children from each grade got up and told what they were thankful for. Our very own Dan Yoder also shared that he was thankful for all of the children at the school and how welcoming they have been along with how much true love they have for us. 


Abbie Suiter and Taylor Davis stepped out of their comfort zones by leading a Bible lesson for the children. They used a few Bible verses while speaking about the love of Jesus for us, what it means to have faith along with the gift of Salvation that God gave us. The children listened very well and even participated in a couple questions by raising their hand to answer. I am still amazed at the level of respect the children show to everyone and how well behaved they are. 


Vicky Topolski led the children in an activity with a giant parachute and beach balls. Each child got a turn to participate. They had so much fun with this activity! 


The part that stuck out to me most today was when we would give children something, some of them kneel to thank us. I’ve never met any people so loving and welcoming. The children will line up just to give us high fives and hugs. When I see this, it reminds me of the love Jesus commanded us to show others. To see them is to see the love of Jesus. 



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