India Mission Trip 2023 | Update #4

February 22, 2023

By Korie Kelver Day 4 here in India started out with breakfast and a devotional led by Vicki, she did a wonderful job reading passages from the Bible about serving God and what serving God is supposed to look like. Her focus was not serving Him...

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Am I a Failure?

February 21, 2023 | Mitchell Mace

Am I a failure? It is a deep question to ask oneself. What is your answer to that question? Hopefully, it is a resounding “No.” As defined by Random House Dictionary, failure is “the act or an instance of failing or proving...

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India Mission Trip 2023 | Update #3

February 21, 2023 | Kathy Smarrella

Dear praying friends,  Today (Tuesday) in India has been a truly beautiful day. We began our day with our team breakfast; Korie shared a short devotional out of Luke (always good to start the day in the Word with friends!) After breakfast...

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India Mission Trip 2023 | Update #2

February 20, 2023

By: Vicki Topolski Today we were blessed to travel to The Parvarish Center to spend the day. In 2019, The Vineyard Church raised the money for this community center through an event called Art for the Heart of India. What an amazing and...

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India Mission Trip 2023 | Update #1

February 19, 2023 | Kathy Smarrella

Dear praying, mission-minded friends, We made it to India! Thanks for being patient for our update. . . This trip, we’re unable to update anything on Facebook or the Vineyard website because we’re being cautious and careful about the...

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