Bearing with Failings

April 25, 2023 | Jaci Miller

Tailgating, cutting cars off, speeding. Drivers generally unconcerned with anyone other than themselves. Yes, I’ve noticed increasing selfishness on the road. As the culture becomes more self-centered, naturally so will its driving...

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The Steps of the Lord

April 18, 2023 | Russ Moe

“God who orders our steps; here’s to You.” The party raised their glasses in a toast.  Twelve years earlier, an old friend called me.  “My marriage is on the rocks,” he said, “I don’t have a...

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His Gift

April 11, 2023 | Mitchell Mace

At this time of year, I tend to think more about the price our Lord God paid for all of us. Have any of you ever really thought about it? I don’t mean just a passing thought, or a few hours during and after church service. I mean a really...

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Joy Snacks

April 4, 2023 | Linda McCracken

Joy Snacks. They sound like little tidbits filled with calories that nonetheless tempt us to indulge. They aren’t.  Joy snacks are the little moments of doing things that bring us joy we deliberately build into our days to remind us...

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When the Pudding Doesn’t Pan Out

March 28, 2023 | Jaci Miller

Rich, velvety chocolate pudding called my name. Impatient to try the fudgy concoction, I unceremoniously (and unhygienically) shoved my finger into the bowl of bliss, scooped a big dollop and stuck it in my mouth. I coughed. Not sweet. Beefy...

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