At a Crossroads

August 3, 2021 | Jaci Miller

I’m at a crossroads. What no one tells you is that crossroads are often littered with shards of glass, and you’re traveling barefoot. Challenging is an understatement. Downright painful is a better descriptor. I suspect many...

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Freedom in the Tears

July 27, 2021 | Carol Senour

Freedom in the tears. The world is constantly telling us that we must be strong. It looks favorably on the strong and down on the weak, almost as if they are prey. From a very young age, I always felt the need to push through with strength...

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The Memory of a Goldfish

July 20, 2021 | Megan Schemenauer

At times, I joke around that I have the memory of a goldfish. Keys, sunglasses, cell phone — all items I’ve misplaced at one time or another, along with a slew of others. (Don’t ask me about the time I went to Jersey but my...

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July 12, 2021 | Chad Pervier

The morning begins with a hot cup of coffee and some alone time on the back porch. Rain is coming down in a steady drizzle, not hard enough to quiet the waking birds going about their business. Fish are jumping in the pond and a breeze keeps the...

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A Coin in the Dust

July 6, 2021 | Jaci Miller

As a kid, I loved those “find the pennies in the sawdust” festival games. The delight of finding free money (even if it was only a cent) drove me into the dust to hunt for a few hidden treasures. How fun to unearth those copper...

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