Vineyard's Approach to Baptism

Baptism is for anyone wanting to publicly declare, through the sharing of their personal testimony, that they have had a new or significant change in their relationship with Jesus Christ. In being baptized, you are submerged in water (symbolizing dying to your old life and washing away past sins) and raised up out of the water (your new life with Jesus Christ).

 I'm Interested in Being Baptized



1. Let us know
Complete the short form to share you're interested in being baptized.
2. Meet to learn more about baptism
A staff member will reach out to find a date to talk more about baptism and your next step.
3. Get prepared
We will help you write your testimony and get you ready for baptism!
4. Get baptized
We are excited and ready to celebrate with you and come along side you in your journey with Jesus Christ.



We believe there is no limit to the number of times you can be baptized. Baptism is a unique opportunity to tell others about your faith and the significant God activity in your life whether it is the first time or not!

Don’t worry! We will help you figure out how you can experience baptism ... though you may need to face your fear alongside your church family.

Talking it over with someone is a great way to help figure that out. Click the "I'm Interested" button to start that conversation with a staff person. Doing so does not lock you in to being baptized, but you should receive enough information to make the right decision.

Some churches choose to baptize infants. At The Vineyard, we believe there is spiritual value in making the personal decision of baptism for yourself. If you were baptized as an infant and considering being baptized again, we would encourage you to do it! If you are a parent of an infant, be on the lookout for Child Dedications.


I'm Interested in Being Baptized

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