Honduras Mission Trip 2024 | Day 5

July 22, 2024

By: Bay Steffen & Cindy Smith

Honduras Day 5! 

Hola from Honduras. We started the morning with breakfast and a devotional from Mike Davis, who read, James 2:14-26. We had another great morning of worship but the best part of it was that we were joined by another mission group from Georgia. That just shows us how the Lord works to bring us all together!

After breakfast, we loaded yet another bus, and headed over to Pastor Nelson’s church. Today was the day of celebration of the opening on the infamous tortilla ladies’ restaurant. When the team arrived, it was all hands on deck to decorate the restaurant for the grand opening. Some team members blew up balloons, while others hung other decorations. While the team was busy decorating, minus Mike Newell and Pastor Arqui, as they were having a hot pepper eating contest (Pastor Arqui won…no surprise there). The tortilla ladies were also busy preparing tortillas and chicharrones for their customers as well as the team!  

The village bus arrived and we were greeted with many smiles and a lot of children. It was so good for us (Cindy and I) who have been here in previous years to see so many familiar faces. This gave the team an opportunity to connect with the children and were able to hand out all the gifts we brought with us! These children don’t receive much but are so grateful for the small things they do get.  

Once everyone got settled in, we were able to worship as one family.  It was touching to see the children of the village worshiping along side us. The worship was full of emotion and gratitude to the one King we all serve.  Pastor Arqui invited  each team member to share how God touched their heart this week. Cindy and I have been apart of this mission for the past 3 years, we shared our love for the people and the opportunity for us to serve them as they became family to us. We were so honored to be able to celebrate this major accomplishment with them, God put it on our hearts to make them personalize aprons and we were able to present the aprons to each of them.  The aprons brought tears of joy and smiles! Once the team wrapped up, Pastor Arqui shared a short message and then Pastor Nelson, shared their gratitude towards our team for our sacrifice and service this week. After the formalities, Pastor Arqui officially opened “Cafeteria Eden.” He shared the meaning behind the naming of the restaurant, he said they wanted us to eat like it would be in Heaven.  He prayed this was only the beginning and it would expand in the future. Many of the Hondurans per-ordered from the restaurant so the tortilla ladies were able to fulfill their first day of orders.Then…it was the team’s turn to taste the amazing food the ladies prepared. We were given the full experience, complete with freshly made tortillas, chicharrones, grilled pork, plantains and all of the fixings.The team was definitely eating like we would be in Heaven.  

As we started to clean up, it rained AGAIN (pretty hard) but that did not stop us from enjoying our last day in the village. We got ready to load the bus but not without saying “see you later” to our Honduran family. Many hugs were shared and the children lined the fence to give us a proper “see you later” wave. The team is so thankful for the opportunity to serve the people in this country but also very grateful for all the prayers from back home!




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