Honduras Mission Trip 2024 | Day 2

July 19, 2024 | Katelyn Boyer

By Katelyn Boyer 

Day 2 in Honduras!

After a late night yesterday, everyone slept deeply allowing us to wake up this morning with puffy eyes but well rested hearts.

We began our day with breakfast as a team, conversing about the days activities and the events of the previous day. We had a devotional focusing on the Fruit of the Spirit read by Landon and spent time in powerful worship as a team which became the highlight of the day for many of us!

After worship, many of us felt incredibly refreshed by the Spirit and the fruit of that became tangible to us as we loaded up on the bus for a busy work day. 

At the village, we were welcomed by the families we were serving with big smiles and hugs. We started dividing and conquering. Digging the foundation for a new home, mixing the concrete and placing bricks for another home, and painting the new tortillas restaurant for the opening Sunday!

After lunch, I decided to sit with the infamous Tortillas Ladies. I was invited to ask them questions about their lives and their faith which I gladly did. With tears in their eyes and their hearts on their sleeves, we were all emotional talking about how God’s hand has been blessing them through World Compassion Network. From their homes to the well dug for them so they can have fresh water to their passion for their church and community, Kaylee and I sat in awe, drinking in the Holy Spirit’s graceful presence. Minda, Pastor Arqui’s wife, said something so powerful. She said, “We have what we need."

After a long work day in the heat and playing with the children of the village, we came back to the hotel to cool off, take a dip in the pool, enjoy a cup of coffee, and gather together for dinner to share our “happies and crappies” of the day.

As each person shared, it started to become clear to me that this shared experience is purposeful for each of us. It’s one that is redefining what unity is in the Kingdom of God. Whether it’s between Americans or Hondurans, one day we will all be praising the same God with the same voice in perfect unity. 

All of that, and it’s only day 2!!



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