July 14, 2023
Costa Rica Update 4
August 2, 2018
Patrick Holdeman
Good day all, and greetings from Costa Rica! We were roused and promptly out the door at 0700 hours. Our first stop was at Pastor Roy’s House for breakfast: coffee, eggs, and rice. This is kind of a typical meal here, but along with an assortment of beans.
Although a normal diet, it’s quite wonderful in the varieties of the ways in which the meals are prepared. What I find in this country, and particularly this church, is that people are so truly generous. I am truly taken by the “kindness” and “love” shown by Pastor Roy’s Family and church members.
Our “mission work” today was intense! Overall, it was a good day that GOD has given us to serve in the way that He intended. Our goal for the day was to finish the painting of the exterior, some interior, and have a good chunk of the roof finished. Instead, we found out that the good LORD has a sense of humor. With all the rain we got throughout the day, I think that we considered building an ark, but it would have been fabricated in sheet metal with measurements in meters.
Despite the challenge of rain, we all did a good amount of work at Vineyard Purral. Much of the painting was done, although some will have to be retouched due to rain. I worked with Cristine Bakke, as she was exceptional in painting the exterior roof trim. Everyone else was working on painting the interior walls, replacing the concrete, and welding rafters. David Sherwood actually tried his hand at welding today and did a good job for a first timer.
Working in this country makes me reflect on my own life in Indiana. Much of what I see in Costa Rica, I have seen in South East Asia, and the level of poverty cannot be visualized or really understood by those who have never traveled in impoverished countries.
On Tuesday, during a “prayer walk” I met a young man, Jeremy, who was bed-ridden with spinal meningitis. He was only 11 years of age and cared for by only his mother. Much more tragedy has taken place in his home then I can write. I felt called, by the Holy Spirit, to sit with him and pray with him. He was one of many that we encountered. Prayer is so important in serving this community. We can literally feel the presence of the Holy Spirit as we SERVE.
I am amazed at the love and service given by my fellow team members. They inspire me even as I type now. Enough for now, I need to shower!
From Lance:
Please be praying for us to get the work done that God has in mind for us. Vineyard Purral hopes to have a church service Sunday. It sure would be nicer to have a roof over their heads. We are starting a bit earlier tomorrow, in hopes of getting more work done, in the event that we run into rain again, as we did today.