Praise God in Jesus name!
March 7, 2016
Shari Abbiehl My husband and I became members of The Vineyard six years ago around Easter. We visited because of my daughter-in-law (Teena) and son Rick who passed away 5 years ago on March 1st. We thank God for leading to us...
5 Group Killers
February 19, 2016 | Keith Crain
Bill Search, Lead Pastor of Rolling Hills Christian Church in El Dorado Hills, California talks about serious threats to all groups. Inconsistent attendance, awkward personalities, not being authentic, bad curriculum and poor planning are real...
Big REACH Update
February 7, 2016 | Pastor Steve Huffman
REACH allows us to expand our campus at Jackson Road to alleviate some of the greatest "pinch points" we are currently seeing. The plan includes: New main auditorium Expanded atrium space New Auditorium C for South Door Campus and Teaching...
How To Solve Group Dynamic Problems
January 29, 2016 | Keith Crain
Every small group deals with group dynamic issues, whether it’s the constant talker, a group that’s silent, or even the lone heretic. Spence Shelton, the Small Groups Pastor at Summit Church in Raleigh, NC, offers several practical...
More Parking Spaces!
October 20, 2015 | Pastor Steve Huffman
Construction has started on the expansion of the parking lot! Soon 64 new spaces will be available! By the end of October, we should have all of the concrete poured and then we have to be patient as the concrete cures, which takes at least 45...