What is Reach?
July 21, 2016 | Pastor Steve Huffman
REACH was born out of a recurring dream of our Lead Pastor, Mark Pope, which underscored Jesus’ mission of saving lost people. Isaiah 54:2-3 says, “Enlarge your house; build an addition. Spread out your home, and spare no...
July 21, 2016 | Pastor Steve Huffman
The multi-campus concept might be something you’re enthusiastic about or an idea brand new to you; it might be confusing, unusual or exciting. We are hoping that by answering some of your questions, you will be more comfortable engaging in...
Prayer Works
July 10, 2016
Sandra Senour I am an elderly woman and for years had battled my husbands' addiction to pornography and it is truly an addiction. I came down for prayer for the first time in a group and felt God's healing touch. Later I again told my husband...
9 Tips for a Successful First Meeting
March 29, 2016 | Keith Crain
It can be incredibly nerve-racking to start a new small group. And yet, every group begins with a first meeting. Bill Search offers easy tips to kick off your small group and ensure you have a great first meeting. Pray – ask for...
Mistakes that Ruin Small Groups
March 17, 2016 | Keith Crain
Written by Carter Moss When I finished leading the third week of my new small group, it hit me—I really enjoy leading small groups. It’s such a privilege. We get such a unique front-row seat to watch new friendships forming, people...